Membership Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions detail the relationship between you and the UK Myeloma Society (“UK Myeloma Society/ UKMS”, “we”, “us”). They explain what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you as a Member of the Society.

If you have any queries or comments, please contact us at


  1. These specific terms of use apply to individuals who are Members of the UK Myeloma Society, a charitable organisation under the laws of England.
  2. These specific terms of use apply in addition to the general terms of use applicable to all visitors of the UKMS website. The general terms of use can be found on the UK Myeloma Society website under Terms & Conditions. In the event of a difference of interpretation between the two sets of terms, the wording in the specific terms of use prevails.
  3. A member is an individual who has signed up to become a Member of UK Myeloma Society, and who is therefore entitled to receive access to “members only” information and services available on the UK Myeloma Society website (hereinafter a “Member”).
  4. The information and services available on the UK Myeloma Society website, including scientific information, originate from UKMS, its members and/or its partners, sponsors and subcontractors.

    What we expect from you

  5. Login credentials are strictly for personal use. They must be kept safely and not shared with or disclosed to any third party.

  6. You represent and warrant that all information supplied by you is true and correct. You also undertake to engage in professional online conduct towards the UK Myeloma Society and other Members and Registered Users, i.e. by refraining from sending unsolicited messages (spam) to groups of other website users, and by respecting intellectual property rights owned by the UK Myeloma Society and third parties.

  7. The UK Myeloma Society requests you to supply and keep up-to-date the following minimum information:
    a. title
    b. first and last name(s)
    c. contact address
    d. contact e-mail address
    e. current job title
    f. organisation’s name and department
    g. organisation’s address
    h. Contact telephone number
    It is your responsibility at all times to keep your personal information up to date. The UK Myeloma Society shall not be responsible to verify or update any of the information.

    Your privacy – our commitment to you

  8. The UK Myeloma Society will respect your privacy and will keep your personal information confidential. This privacy section explains how the UK Myeloma Society collects and stores information about you as an individual member, and how the UK Myeloma Society will protect your privacy.

    The UK Myeloma Society (“UKMS”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of its members and all those that interact with the Society. 
    This statement sets out how we handle your personal data, the lawful basis by which we process your data and the details of our data protection team. At all times the UK Myeloma Society will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any other relevant legislation when collecting and processing your data.

  9. The UK Myeloma Society complies with EU Directive 95/46/EC, the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The UK Myeloma Society takes all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal information. Your data will only be used for the provision of services to members, and the improvement of those services. We may share information with other third parties where there is a statutory requirement or legal obligation to do so, to fulfill our contractual obligation to you, or to improve clinical practice or medical training. Excepting these uses, the UK Myeloma Society shall not in any way sell or otherwise hand over your personal information to third parties, whether or not for commercial use.
  10. The personal information collected via the UK Myeloma Society website may be specifically used to:
    • Enable the UK Myeloma Society to provide you with the products or services you request, e.g. educational services;
    • Enable the UK Myeloma Society to communicate with you about specific matters regarding your website user registration or Membership registration, your registration for a meeting or an event, your application for a grant, or any other service;
    • Enable the UK Myeloma Society to send you information about activities in which you have indicated interest.

  11. You may at any time adapt your personal information held by the UK Myeloma Society. You have the statutory right to access, amend, and oppose the use of your personal information. You can update your information at any point by filling out the online membership form, or by contacting us at

  12. You may at any time adapt your personal information held by the UK Myeloma Society. You have the statutory right to access, amend, and oppose the use of your personal information. You can update your information at any point by filling out the online membership form, or by contacting us at


  13. The UK Myeloma Society will not send you unsolicited messages (via e-mail or any other means such as social media), and will not contact you on behalf of third parties without your consent. Your personal information will not be passed on to any other individual or organisation other than third party subcontractors and partners.

  14. The UK Myeloma Society may perform statistical analysis of personal data entered by Members, e.g. professional status, in order to develop and further improve specific tools offered, in particular educational services, to Members.

  15. The UK Myeloma Society uses e-mail as its primary form of communication.

  16. The UK Myeloma Society may perform statistical analysis of website traffic to improve its services. Statistical information arising from such analysis shall not be attributed to individual Members.

  17. The UK Myeloma Society may perform statistical analysis of personal data entered by Members, e.g. professional status, in order to develop and further improve specific tools offered, in particular educational services, to Members.


  18. The UK Myeloma Society is the sole owner of the UK Myeloma Society website and as such is the sole owner of the data collected through the UK Myeloma Society website, though you retain the rights as an individual under this agreement.

    Information provided through the UK Myeloma Society website; limitation of liability

  19. While the UK Myeloma Society website may contain certain scientific or medical information (written by Members or third parties), including information on medical treatments and medicine, the UK Myeloma Society website should not be considered a source of information for the treatment of individual patients. Any medical treatment remains the sole responsibility of the individual doctor or institution. Hyperlinks to third party websites are for information purposes only, and do not in any way indicate the UK Myeloma Society’s endorsement, sponsorship or approval of such third party or the information provided by such third party.
  20. Services, directories and any other information are strictly for personal use only, and may not be used for commercial purposes or republished in any way or form. Information provided (through the UK Myeloma Society website or in any other form) by The UK Myeloma Society and others, may be protected by intellectual property rights.
  21. By agreeing to these specific terms of use, you agree that the UK Myeloma Society cannot in any way be held liable for damage in whatever form arising from: (a) Any use of the information posted on the UK Myeloma Society website by third parties, including information posted by Members’ the UK Myeloma Society and partners; and/or (b) Any information on third party websites which are hyperlinked to the UK Myeloma Society website, either by means of a hyperlink on the UK Myeloma Society website or by means of a hyperlink on such third party website; and/or (c) Any misuse or abuse of activities by other Members in breach of their contractual duties, including the sending of spam.
  22. The UK Myeloma Society cannot be held liable for any damage arising from information provided by third parties on the UK Myeloma Society website, including (if any) incorrect or malicious information provided by Members. You agree to indemnify The UK Myeloma Society against any claims issued by third parties against The UK Myeloma Society based on the information that you submit to The UK Myeloma Society or publish through the UK Myeloma Society website.
  23. By submitting content (including scientific or other publications) to the UK Myeloma Society website, you represent and warrant that you own or control the intellectual property of such content, and that you are allowed to make such content available via the UK Myeloma Society website.
  24. The UK Myeloma Society reserves the right to terminate, with immediate effect, an individual Membership agreement, and/or to deny the use of some or all of its services, including the services offered through the UK Myeloma Society website.

    Your Membership Application

  25. By completing the application form and by indicating that you apply for The UK Myeloma Society membership, you agree to become a member of the UK Myeloma Society.

  26. After submitting the application form to the UK Myeloma Society membership department your application will be reviewed. If your application is approved, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

  27. International Associate Member

    We have created a new category of members, called ‘International Associate Members’ (IAMs). IAMs will have the right to attend and speak at meetings but will have no voting rights (as these remain reserved to UK members only). There is no fee to become an IAM. The same membership form that is used for general membership applications must be used for applications by prospective IAMs.  Admittance to the membership (regardless of the category) remains at the discretion of the Executive of the UKMS. IAMs will not be eligible for travel bursaries.